1.3 Challenge Exercise | Burp Suite Basics


I’m currently working on the 1.3 Challenge Exercise in the Burp Suite Basics course and am having trouble finding the flag in the secret note. Here’s what I’ve done so far:

  1. I created a public note (studentnote) and monitored the API requests using Burp Suite.
  2. I updated the note and identified the /api/v2/notes/studentnote endpoint.
  3. I can see all my stored notes, including some with _id values and one named “whoami.” However, I’m not sure how to retrieve the flag from the secret note.
  4. I tried using Burp Repeater to access notes by manipulating the _id values, but I haven’t found a response containing the flag.

Hey @AwakeTern6925,

I’ve updated the Challenge prompts so that they do a better job of pushing you in the right direction. Take another gander; I suspect it will resolve most/all of your confusion.

Otherwise, I’ve also responded to a similar post here, which may help you out: Burp Suite Basics Lab - #5 by raggetd

Happy hacking!

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