4.2 Lab: audit a web server - task

Does not accept answer for the task?

What answer are you giving?

The max number answer. I not sure how to formulate a number answer.

I think I figure it out.

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Awesome! You just need to give a number between 0 and 50. You award 10 points for each security requirement >>>IF<<< that requirement is met. If none of the security requirements are met then the score is 0 and if all of them are met it’s 50.

i’m having the same issue, but no number works. I’m stuck on that part because no answer seems to work from 0 to 50 (i did all the steps on the lab btw). Can anyone help plz?

I just put the correct answer in and it works, so the lab is not broken…


There are literally five commands to run to check 5 security requirements. If only one security requirement is met then the webserver only earns 10 points, if two are met then 20 points, if three then 30… and all five = 50 points.

Yes, i know that. Did all the steps, got all the “points”. But it just doesn’t work. Here`s proof:

That is not the correct answer. Your answer indicates that the webserver passed all the security requirements. It does not. Please read what constitutes passing. The goal here is not to just run the commands. You need to interpret the results and make a judgment call based on the instructions for each lab step.


Damn you’re right lol, i literally didn’t read it correctly. Sorry bro, thanks for the help

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I still don’t understand what the answer is

You just need to give a number between 0 and 50. You award 10 points for each security requirement >>>IF<<< that requirement is met. If none of the security requirements are met then the score is 0 and if all of them are met it’s 50.