Active Directory Basics - 1.1 - Sanity Check

Good Morning All :blush:

Quick sanity check, on Question 2…

I believe I have actually tried every combination on this question ( out of frustration ) and its still not registering as the correct answer.

Can someone please check this for me, if they have the time?

Would be more than happy to explain what I belive the correct answers to be but intitially,
Haven’t in this post as I wouldn’t want to post any ‘spoilers’…

Take care and nothing but the best of wishes.

Is this the question?

Which of the following accurately describe Domain Controllers?

Only two of the answers are correct, but currently they want three of the four answers which is a mistake.

I will fix the mistake :slight_smile:

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I am still having the same issue with this question. I believe I have the right answers. I have also tried every combination and still can move on to the next section. Is there a fix for this?

There are two correct answers.