I’ve followed all directions in the guided exercise, but when I come to the last task question to run .\Flag.bat it only counts 1 out of 7 for the flag. I don’t understand what I’m missing.
I think that AD DS role has dropped off the DC, testing now by re-adding. Yup the room is messed up, flag.bat is looking for group that we did not create.
Thank you for your quick reply, i’ll move on and come back to this lesson at a later time.
If you go to 2nd PC the powershell one, you can finish and get flag, only first one is messed up.
I’ll retry the lesson, but it doesn’t create a ‘Group Evil’ or add black.manta or captain.cold to my knowledge.
do the part with commands, then open server manager , go to tools active directory users and computers. There you can create two users and group, just right click on domain and new > user and group. You can also add those users to the group by double clicking group , members tab add.
Ok I took the steps and got all of the points for the flag, but when I put the flag into the task answer box it still says incorrect. Please help
It worked for me, all together no quotations. Also, remove the flag from this forum so other don’t missus it for easy gain.
It’s not working for me. The task clue is 10 characters but the flag is longer and won’t complete the lesson.
you doing 1.3 challenge room?
I’m on the 1.2 guided lesson
I think i’ve been using the wrong machine to find the flag