Active Directory basics

I can’t seal that certificate because of this holiday, which I can’t complete because of this is the ninth time I’ve returned it over the course of a month. I need any help to solve this and extract the flag
Note: the mentioned commands.txt file does not exist

Be sure you are on the Windows PowerShell server and not Windows GUI. You will see Commands.txt on the desktop. As you can see the commands do work…

As you can see, the file does not exist on the desktop and I deal through windows powershell
I may be bored, is it a personal problem or what

You also see a failed attempt when doing anything

You are on the wrong desktop.

I don’t understand what you mean this desktop that appeared at the beginning of the command that always appears when I restart this lab !

Notice there is a Machines Tab…


This allows you to switch from one desktop to another. Most labs have more than one desktop and the lab instructions will tell you when to use the Machines tab to move between them.

Thanks for your efforts :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: