I followed this instuctions at the guided exercise on Bash scripting basics on the carreer path: IT and Cybersecurity basics.
no. 17 under part 3 reusable scrips, getting access denied error. It dosent mention that a error should be encountered.
I check the document I have to create and it’s correct, to run the script in terminal.
I cant progress without it.
I require assistence!
Welcome to Forums!
Please post a screen shot showing the command you are attempting and the error message.
Can I get assistence?
Did you make the script executable?
I am not sure?
I created the script2.sh as instructed, can you tell how I should have made it executable?
You did it for script1.sh earlier in the lab
chmod +x script2.sh
Ok Il’l try it again, and check back to let you know.
The solution work thank for making it clear.