[CIS CONTROL] - Name the missing step from the list of steps for secure decommissioning: Deletion of Accounts, Terminate Data Flow, Deletion or Destruction, and

Name the missing step from the list of steps for secure decommissioning: Deletion of Accounts, Terminate Data Flow, Deletion or Destruction, and ____________ (Hint: capitalize the first letter of each word and use lowercase for the remaining letters).

Hint:****** ******** ** ****

Hey there - could you please provide a little more context? Is there an issue with the question that we should look into? If so, could you confirm the exact name of the course and the lesson the question appears in?

Thank you for your help. Sorry for the delay in responding.
I believe there is nothing wrong with the question.
I am studying the module of CIS Control 15: Service Provider Management,
Item 2.3 Securely Decommission Service Providers.