Anyone can help with one of the challenges for cracking hashes?
hash: 36981a38f5703d59d0746e82e94f30eac4fa615a
from hash id, it should be sha 1
The challenge says its characters and can be brute forced, but I’ve tried by using:
hashcat -a 3 -m 100 36981a38f5703d59d0746e82e94f30eac4fa615a ?a?a?a?a?a?a
And no luck even after 3 h
Aim hashcat at the file containing the hash, not the hash Also, if the challenge notes 1-6 characters then it’s best to use -i which will test namespaces incrementally (ie. try all 1 character passwords first, then 2 character, then 3, then 4 … 5…6
managed to get it by combineing -i --increment-max 6 ?a?a?a?a?a?a
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