Data Backup and Recovery Basics

Iam not getting answer for Question No. 3. Given the following command, what is being backed up? wbadmin start backup -backupTarget:D: -include:C:\Users\Administrator


I honestly don’t know how I figured this out. But I did, here’s your answer:
@JosephWhite I guess the question rather than being;
" Given the following command, what is being backed up? ", should instead be;-
" Given the following command, what is the location of backed up? "
I don’t know maybe, feel free to shed some light on this, I was kinda confused with this one too.

Well the point of the question was do you know what the -include: command line parameter does. It indicates the file or directory to back up. The -backupTarget: parameter is the backup location.

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Understood, I just happened to misunderstand it then, thanks!