Et tu Python? Assistance

Need some assistance as I might have found a bug. I was able to get the code created but keep getting a 5 out of 6 flags found. It lists all of the changes I made that it “sees”. I have had a couple people check me and everything looks good. Not sure if there is a bug or something simple I am missing.


Hi @NJacobe kindly provide the lab name and which exercise it relates to.

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It’s entirely possible to solve the cypher yet the grader doesn’t see what it’s looking for. Share the output from the flag (screen shot) and I can determine what the grader is not seeing.

I make sure all the X’s were correct. Thanks for your help?

The grader is looking for you to pass the cipher text as a command line argument.

#Take the first command line argument
secret = xxx.xxxx[ x ]

Perhaps you are just assigning the cipher text as a variable :slight_smile:

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Ah! via CMD line… got it! That worked! Thanks!!!

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You are missing “find the index of letter in the alphabet array”

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