I have only made it 30% into the course (3.2 meet Owen). When I attempt to move forward to the next tap and open CRXcavator.io it reads: We apologize for the extension outage of CRXcavator.io we are working on getting this restored. Although this may be self explanatory I want to make sure there is nothing I can do at the moment because I would like to move forward.
Thank you
Yeah, CRXcavactor.io is a third-party tool that the lab architect leveraged for this exercise. They appear to be experiencing an extended outage. We actually noticed this a few months ago, although they now seem to have to acknowledged the issue themselves.
If you scroll down to the bottom of the lab exercise, you’ll find a note on this issue, as well as the answer to the question.
Note: As of September 2024, CRXcavator appears to be down. While the website loads, the search service hangs indefinitely. To address this issue, we have temporarily provided the answer to this lessons’s question here: 162
I’ve moved this note to the top of the lab guide.
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