Injection attack final task

In the final task of injection attack " Using the SQL Injection vulnerability page, what is the password hash of the user Admin?" …the hash does not exists in the shawdow file nor the user in sql injection site has access to the shadow file?

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I’ve also noticed this

So i think this is an issue with the lab

I got to the hashed value, and its for the encryption its md5 but nowhere near the answer it’s asking for

I don’t know what it’s asking for:

Technically, even with SQL map, we have the password right here, and it’s cracked, or we hash cracking site, and it’s here. Is it not referring to SQL? I am more than lost on this one.

I think you folks are right and there is a bug here. I will surface this to Cybrary.

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So the question you saw before was not correct. There are supposed to be 4 questions. This has been resolved. Also you will find you can now answer the first question based on the findings from SQL Map.