Linux CLI Basics - Flag not showing

  1. At the prompt, type ./ and press Enter to run a script that will check your work.

You will need 8 points to reveal the flag required to answer the last question on the Tasks tab.

I am unable to solve it. What is its answer.

Hi @MonthlyReindeer8552, which lab is this?

I need this answer too.

the answer LxxxxSxxx

Thanks for helping, but please don’t post answers.

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I am not able to find the flag as well… Any suggestions?

Hi, please follow the lab instructions, and you should practice the commands mkdir, cp, rm, etc. before running the
It took me an hour to find out the answer.
Good luck.

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hi what even are points and flags? its saying ive got 4 points and i need 8, is this some game layout? and how exactly do i earn points?

You earn points by completing the labs steps or by completing a challenge. If you only have 4 points then there are steps you have missed.

i got there in the end, cheers geez.

Hi, cant find the flag for Q-4, 1.2 Guided exercise, please help

i can’t find the answer too can someone help

I found the answer

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i found the’s answer

What is the flag provided by the script?

I have been trying for a long time to find the answer but nothing.

I need this answer too

Hey bro.Here is the answer of “LxxxxSxxx” (redacted by admin)

What command is used to print the contents of a file to the terminal window?


Solution Finally, to cause the flag to pop up, you’ll have to execute chmod +x and then ./ You’ll have to completed enough of the lab that you get at least 8 points. If it doesn’t work, take a close look at the messages for hints, or consult the man pages or other available documentation.

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