Log Analysis Basics 1.2 Guided Exercise

1. What is the time stamp of the earliest record in the file web.log.2?

ANS: 00:56:00
Above time stamp is the earlist in web.log.2 file
but still it asking retry and submit

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Log Analysis Basics

Which file in the Practice directory has the most lines? why is practice. log.2 wrong answer to this question

same thing here, i don’t know ,im stuck.

have found, check correctly the file list which is going to be auth.log.2

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this is the earliest timestamp 00:13:00 recorded in web.log.2 file

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I am stuck on the second question. I just want to know the answer as the entire lesson is just not working for me. I tried to type in the command /home/cybrary/Documents/Practice
to get it into practise but it did not change it…

I’m stuck here too, can’t possibly get the same answer with what it’s the command practice on the dashboard, can someone help me out here please

It looks like the text broke in an unfortunate place, but there is a space between the cd command and the directory you want to go to:

cd /hom/cybrary/Documents/Practice



Thanks, but on a contrary, there is no space there, kindly take a look at the screenshot once again

That may be, and if so, that is in error. You always have to have a space between cd and the place you want to go :slight_smile:

Finally find a way to get it done

Confirmed there’s a space there. You have to highlight the full line to see it.

Regardless, if you’re unfamiliar with the syntax of common Linux commands, we recommend completing Linux CLI Basics in the Foundations path before attempting any labs in the SOC Analyst, Penetration Tester, or Security Engineer paths! These paths all assume some light familiarity with command line navigation.

Thank you, it’s even more than a space anyways

I was so lost in this answer - I still do not see where auth.log.2 is listed in the search. I do not like that they have no way to contact for support. the lab is not efficient. I appreciate you answering this as I was down to the last 5 minutes of this activity.