Network Device basics

Im prolly missing a router flag, can anyone help me figure out how to address that. thank you

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fixed the error! Feel free to ask if you are struggling with something alike.

hello, Iā€™m also on this lab, but the VM on the platform isnā€™t working. the error is ā€œCannot destructure property ā€˜labIdā€™ of ā€˜i.labInstanceā€™ as it is undefined.ā€. I already refreshed the page through the browser, through the F5 button, logged out, cleaned the cache of the browser, logged in again, retried again. restarted the browser again. Even the inspect element only got the HTML page code but wasnā€™t able to access the JavaScript console to try to get to know what the problem is, and the F12 keyboard key didnā€™t granted me access to it either.
And nothing works, the problem remainsā€¦ Any ideas on what to try next?

If you had lab loading issues yesterday (and frankly since last week) you may want to retry today. I know the team has done some fixes and I am able to load labs today.

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i am receiving - Cannot destructure property ā€˜labIdā€™ of ā€˜i.labInstanceā€™ as it is undefined on labs

Hello please am on 7 points am stuck at adding DHCP to linux 1 i have tried all i can but still not getting it right pls can you help me out here and also how do i ping the web device i would really appreciate your help

You need to set the Router IP which is

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@majorPathetic Please how did you solve DHCP for linux 1 am stuck on 8 points and i tried adding to the dhcp using the pfsense and also by right clicking the linux 1 and configuring the linux to or am i getting the ip address wrong what do i add here pls kindly help out

[quote=ā€œDrakoTech, post:10, topic:164155, full:trueā€]
@majorPathetic Please how did you solve DHCP for linux 1 am stuck on 8 points and i tried @JosephWhite adding to the dhcp using the pfsense and also by right clicking the linux 1 and configuring the linux to or am i getting the ip address wrong what do i add here pls kindly help out. Pls how did you configure linux 1

Can you show the output of the flag? This will tell me what you are missing.

Here is the flag

You have work to do on Linux-1. You need to configure it for DHCP. There are just two lines to configure.

Thank you very much i was able to figure it out

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Please help with the flag

what am I doing wrong? each time I use ifconfig after configuring router it doesnā€™t bring my inet address

Hi @charles01john which exercise are you doing? Which step?

I would remove the comments (#) :wink:

I am also stuck on 9 points, I went back through each step but cannot figure out where I missed something. Any hint you can give would be welcome!

After some thinking, I realized I did not set something correctly on the router settings, i.e., the settings in the parenthesis. You need to look it up. See the guided exercise for how to quickly check it.