Nmap basic 1.3 Challenge Exercise- legitimate service running on the hidden host

I’m hitting a wall, and for a 25 min lab, I maxed out the lab session 3 times already.

I am able to find two services that are not at"?", and I’m able to discern with some level of confidance that the service relates to microsoft, however, I am not able to match the service to the hint, thus not able to finish the challenge

Hi @OZcool, hope you are doing fine! Do you found how to find the flag? I´m in the same situation as you :frowning:

use -sS attack to find other ports than 12345, then run -sV to find version and service running on all of that ports

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thanks for responding. In deed you have to do a stealth syn scan to find the extra ports, when scanning -p-, and then hone in with versioning on the opened ports.