Nmap Basic No. of ports

how to show this nmap basic

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Welcome @EncryptedLord97 to forums. That task is to use nmap, scan the remote system to discover open ports. Every port has a number, for example FTP is 21 and HTTP is 80. The ask is to add up all the ports scanned. So if there was a system with FTP and HTTP open then the answer would be 21+80 = 101.

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DID that but only one port was open
-F for 100 only one
-p - took a lot of time

I know there are two hosts that require you to modify the scan. In one case you have to discover a port to open other ports and in another case you have to slow the scan down. The lab instructions go over this.


so should be like -T 5

Based on step 9 , scan the ports individually. The IP address is a web server and filtered means you can not access the port from your scanning location. So web server port is 8080 and port 21 and 22 are well known ports. When I looked up common ports i could not figure what does 1000/8888/2099 stands for , maybe some applications are using those ports. So i ignored those ports.

Did anyone find solution to this?

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there are two items:

  1. for the host behind the firewall (need to run -sS flag on target and ports)
  2. for the host that is hidden

for 2. I have, but for 1 I know that there are two services that are running but do not match the Hint for question 5

I was able to find number of ports. by doing a graceful scan on the hosts behind the firewall. I had to go really slow.

I was able to do the challange. of the hosts behind the firewall time is of the essense. For the 12345 port, it was quite interesting /odd to me. you have to trigger 12345 to open the rest of the ports. At least that is the behaviour that I see. It almost feels like there is microsegmentation & orchastration defenses to penetrate, which I would have not expected on a bais lab.

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the answer of last question is [redacted]
and the open ports are [redacted]


Yeah, following the lab instructions you make every needed scan to answer the question, the trickery part is your observation skills - first you discover open 22 port by scanning network, and then at the end you don’t specify it in polite scan and that’s why result might be misleading