Nmap Basics - 1.2 Guided Exercise

I have followed step 9 of the guided exercise and the only ports that are open are 22 and 25.

You are scanning port 8000 and not 8080 :slight_smile:

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Yea I realized I made the mistake an hour after the post lol. Regardless, thank you for your response!

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hey bro what is the answer of this question

hi bro
how you resolve this Q please

  1. Add up the open ports you discovered on (e.g., if ports 1, 2, and 3 are open, 1+2+3=6). What is the number?

The task is to scan, discover all the open TCP ports, and add those numbers together. So, for example, if you scanned a system and found ports 22, 25, 80, 8080 open then you add 22+25+80+8080 = 8207.

8207 is it correct? the only port that have been scanned is 22

hello, guys :smile:
are you fine ?