Operating System Foundation-Prove

i’ve been trying compete this lab But exactly i don’t where i do wrong! Here attached my report and Please help me out and solve this lab.
[redacted by admin]
Thank You!

In this , picture i mistakenly enter windows but that’s not a matter! However i completed the lab with 90% something is wrong!

Hi @jana_1427 , how are you? could you share the lab name?

Hello @Lu0ro , Good ! How about you?
It’s a virtual lab named Operating System Fundamental.

Hey there - We’ve removed your screenshot because it contained 4 correct answers, but it appears that your answer to Question 1 of the Operating Systems Fundamentals Skill Check is incorrect.

The issue here is tied to the fact that, depending on which command you use, Linux may offer different sizes for its primary hard disk. However, one of these is considered “more correct” in the context of this question.

In the Recommended Learning section of your Assessment Results Report, you should see a link to the Linux File System Basics lab. All questions in the Assessments are based off of Topic-aligned labs like this one. I would recommend reviewing this particular lab to see which command(s) we expect you to use to check disk size, then using that command in the Operating System Fundamentals Skill Check.

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Thank You @CalmQuail2332 ! I’ll check on my side and share my response.

I used “df -h --total” and I’m in root directory it shows 36GB
hard-disk isue
which cmd i have to use!

You could review step 18. Its important, as told you @CalmQuail2332, coomplete the task with the info provieded in the lab

When you get incorrect answers on an Assessment, you’ll receive a list of labs and courses in Recommended Learning. Without giving too much away, all of the solutions are available in those labs and courses.

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i figure out the disk space in GiB then convert into Gb , the answer also wrong! So i try to convert byte size to GB also get wrong answer.

Hi @jana_1427 … I think I have caused some confusion. We are going to change the question to better reflect what we are looking for. The the command we want lists disks and will tell you the size in GiB (not GB). The lab referenced above covers this command.

Definitely lot of conflictions i had face through i understand as well the lab . Thanks for the changes it really helps and shorten the work.