Operating System Fundamentals - Prove

Hey, I completed all the steps-
For the next question, perform the steps outlined below, then run flag.sh on the cybrary user’s Desktop to get the flag. Step 1.) Be sure you are in the cybrary home directory, and create the a directory titled “assessment” with three sub-directories: info, listing, and location. Step 2.) Create a file called info.txt in the info directory containing the name of current logged- in user. Step 3.) Create a file called listing.txt in the listing directory containing all files and folders in cybrary’s home directory (it does not need to be a recursive listing). Step 4.) Create a file called count.txt in the listing directory containing the count of all files and folders found in cybrary’s home directory that are owned by cybrary. Step 5.) Create a file called location.txt in the location directory containing the current location.

Still I am only getting 9 flags out of 12.

Correct directory listing not found in listing.txt
Correct number not found in count.txt
Correct location not found in location.txt
You have 9 points.
You need 12 points for the flag.

Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong?

What command are you using to get the count from listing.txt? The grader says the count is incorrect. Also what is in location.txt? The grader says that the content of location.txt is incorrect.

Command used for count.txt -

location.txt has the present working directory

Command used for listing.txt

I repeated all the steps again, but still getting only 9 points :upside_down_face:

Did you see the commands I used?

Try these commands, and let me know if you get the full 12. Be sure to run everything from /home/cybrary.

I haven’t taken this course but all files might include hidden files, using ls -a.

These commands worked. I was running the commands from respective directories so maybe that was causing some issue.

Thanks for helping :smile:

Yeah I guess. Joseph’s answer helped me.
Thanks for the suggestion :smiley: