OSINT. 1.2 Guided exercise. Level 3. Penetration tester course

Hello, Support send me here to ask as I cannot find the right answer to:

question 2. Asks about the CVE of that vulnerability. I see more than one CVE for Xerox AltaLink C8055. I tried a few with the format suggested in other thread (cve-2xxx-1xxxx) but it doesn’t like it, there are at least 4!

question 3. As the registrar is NameCheap, Inc., and the phone number starts with +1, I think the answer is US; U.S., U.S.A. or USA but the hint shows more characters and those answers are marked as wrong

It’s not good I am not allowed to continue the course until I answer this, that makes the progress to be very slow. I also suggested the support team to have a download for the VM as it is sometimes laggy (when auto updating) but I had no reply to that. There is a lot to improve, I hope you do as if not customers will get fed up soon.



Hey there - thanks for reaching out. To your first question about the CVE-related question, I just ran a Google search for Xerox AltaLink C8055 and I got the expected CVE ID as the first result. Are you getting something different than CVE-2019-10881?

(That’s the answer btw - I’ll come back later to redact it.)

For question 3 - your results for whois rekt.systems should return the attached results. Are you getting a value for the Registrant Country field? The idea is that you would look up this value and input the corresponding country name as the answer.

Regarding your suggestion to allow VM downloads - I appreciate the recommendation, but the lab environments are designed to be run in AWS, and many include multiple networked machines. Allowing users to download them and expecting the instructions to match up 1:1 would likely create more work and complexity for learners.

Regarding the slow response time on the lab. I’ll check with the team to see if this particular lab would benefit from some beefier VM specs. We’re also in the process of migrating our labs to new infrastructure, which should improve performance across the board.

Hopefully this helps!

For the record, when I view the output from the exiftool and search for CVE related to the PDF “creator”, I get the answer in the very first search result…

Hello CalmQuail2332,

Now I realize what happened: I don’t like google so I normally use duckduckgo.com and this search engine showed a different vulnerability for that machine, then I looked more and I’ve found more vulnerabilities. You are right, if using google I get the same result as you which is the answer expected to the question on this exercise.

Regarding whois I missed the “Registrar country” because of what I saw before, now that you mention it I’ve found it.

Many thanks for all that. Now I have problems with the 1.3 Challenge exercise:

task 1: I don’t see a relations tab

task 2: archive.org won’t load in Firefox inside the VM

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Hey there - glad it worked out!

On the Challenge Exercise, Task 1 - I just checked VirusTotal and I see the Relations tab in the results. Did you use the Search function, or one of the others? Relations will only appear if you use the Search function.

On Task 2 - you’re right, it looks like archive.org won’t load within Firefox in the VM if entered as such, but it looks like specifying https://archive.org works fine. I’ve updated the instructions accordingly. This may have been an oversight in the original instructions, or it’s possible that something has changed on the Internet Archive side since the lab was written. This particular subject can be hazard-prone when it comes to developing labs, given the inherent necessity of relying on externally hosted and third-party resources.

Hi CalmQuail2332,

Task 1: I think I was using the URL tab, now it works, I’m sorry.

Task 2: Ok, now it loads, I can see the latest version of that file contains over 2400 lines, how am I supposed to find the name of a file there?

Additional question: I understand this is an optional exercise, however I am not being allowed to the next section: Network Reconnaissance. Isn’t it possible to complete all sections with a free subscription while having only the 10 lessons per day cap, or is it?

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I’ll have to take another look at Task 2, but the earliest version of the file that I saw last night only showed the directory and file referenced in the instructions.

The Free plan only includes the first 4 activities in the Penetration Tester path. Access to the full path requires a Teams license or Cybrary Insider Pro license.

At this time, the Free plan includes all of the following (with a daily limit of 10 lessons):

-All 32 activities in the Learn portion of the IT & Cybersecurity Foundations career path.
-The first 4 activities in the SOC Analyst, Penetration Tester, and Security Engineer paths.
-All activities in the Learn portion of all Cert Prep Paths.

Okay, confirmed that I’m seeing the expected answer on the earliest snapshot for rekt.systems/robots.txt. Could you share a screenshot of what you’re seeing?

I am not allowed to post 2 images, so you can see the other one here:

Did you try inputting the file in the screenshot that matches the Hint in length and structure?

How should I do that?

You should discover a file and folder that were previously in the robots.txt file, but have since been removed.

These are both present in your screenshot.

What file was previously in robots.txt that was removed?

The file in your screenshot is the answer to Question 2.