Hey, I got the hash and created a wordlist using the website mentioned in the instructions-

This is what I am getting.
What am I doing wrong here?
Hey, I got the hash and created a wordlist using the website mentioned in the instructions-
What am I doing wrong here?
I got the exact same result. Not sure what to do.
I tried using the rockyou.txt as an experiment but it said it would take 40 minutes odd which I don’t have right now.
What is the word count for your .txt files?
My original for the website is: 21820
and after the mangle it’s: 1648492
I’ve ran out of time to tackle this today but would be good to hear how you get on or if we could get some staff feedback.
Yeah it was the same for me too. I don’t remember the exact number but it was same as yours.
I will try again today and let you know.
In the meantime if cybrary staff could look at it.
I’m seeing the same issue. I did not let cewl run forever, just a few minutes. That still generated 1.2 million passwords after mangling. I will run this by the developer.
Thanks for checking it!
I’ve tried again today and I haven’t managed to crack it.
The lab developer is aware of the issue and working on a fix.
This is fixed now btw
Yeah it is.