Patching Basics Challenge Exercise

I’m trying to complete the Patching Basics challenge exercise lab and I can’t see where I’m going wrong - I’m getting a list of the available Windows Updates (Get-WindowsUpdates) including “KB890830” which I’m told to install in the challenge instructions.

But when I try and install the stated update (Get-WindowsUpdate -Install -KB890830) the parameter ‘KB890830’ cannot be found

Any guidance would be really appreciated!

Use the command Get-WindowsUpdate -Install -KBArticleID followed by the KB number of the update you wish to install.

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Thanks so much, I knew it would be something I’d missed. You’re a star!

hello @josephwhite pls am having issues updating the nautilus app for linux i tried the sudo apt update and sudo apt install --ugradeable-only to try to install only nautilus but still am not getting it right pls any help. am getting an unattended error when i try to upgrade pls help out

sudo apt install --only-upgrade [package name]


Hi @JosephWhite , what must be the package name, I run the “sudu apt install --only-upgrade nautilus” and the app were not updated?

Be sure you run “sudo apt update” first :slight_smile:

Thank you @JosephWhite, I had updated the packages before, but it didn’t work. I repeated the steps, and it worked.

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Can anybody help me get the challenge2 flag? Nothing I do is working. I do the update and nothing seems to be happening. I can’t move on and I really can’t figure this out.

Are you navigating to the desktop and running the file?

cd Desktop

I’ve rephrased the instructions to be a little bit clearer on how to do this. Just tested the lab and confirmed the flag pops as expected if you run the script after updating nautilus.