Spearphishing with a Link - The guided exercise is not loaded

I am trying to finish the course, however when I try to do the lab I get an error 400 and it will not load. I have been having this problem since this morning.

Hey there - this lab is actually still in development, which is likely why the lab environment isn’t loading. I’m not sure how you were able to bypass the Coming Soon lock, but it seems like there’s a bug in there somewhere.

In any event, this lab is nearly finished and should clear QA in the next week. If you’d like to be notified when the lab formally released, you can click the Send Me Updates button on its catalog page.

@CalmQuail2332 - is this report also related/another lab still in dev?

Yeah, Spearphishing with an Attachment is also still in development and should not be accessible.

The majority of the labs and courses in SOC Analyst are live, but the path is still technically in pre-release, with the last 4 labs releasing in the next ~2 weeks.

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Thank you, the lab is released.