So Part 4 where you have to redirect the router to the linux 2 and switch 2. The changes in Gns3 & is not responding to the ping and i’m following the steps down to the letter. Is there a work around?
I just did this lab, and it works as written:
There is quite a lot you have to do in Part 4. Please show screen shots of:
1.) The Router Network Configuration page in GNS3
2.) The Linux-2 Network Configuration page in GNS3
3.) The System > Routing > Gateways page on the firewall
4.) The System > Routing > Static Routes page on the firewall
5.) The Firewall > Rules > Lan page on the firewall
remove the ♯ sign from the parts you are changing on eth0 and eth1.
Also remove the ♯ from:
auto eth0
iface eh0
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static