Symmetric Cryptography 1.2 guided exercise

Between these steps the message is not pasting to file.
I keep having terminal prompts

and endless typing

  1. At the cybrary@localhost prompt, type echo " and paste the copied message contents, then continue typing " > message.base64 and press Enter.

  2. At the cybrary@localhost prompt, type base64 -d message.base64 > message.enc and press Enter to decode the encrypted message.

You now have a decoded (but not decrypted) copy of the encrypted message.

Hey there - I’ve just run through the lab, but wasn’t able to replicate any issues with copy/paste.

Please be sure that you’re using right-click and selecting Copy/Paste from the context menu, rather than attempting to use a keyboard shortcut.

Beyond that, I would review your command inputs to confirm they match what you see in the lab guide. I’ve attached a screenshot of my own lab for reference.

I am not sure what the issues was with chrome. I wonder it was because I was using raspi ubuntu mini pc and today I started to use my windows 11 machine seems to worked without an issue.