Symmetric Cryptography | Guided exercise

this commend when you try to encrypt the massage on step 26, it just wont work ; openssl pkeyutl -decrypt -inkey keyforjohn.key -in message.enc -out message.txt
i really appreciate any kind of help

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I have the exact same issue, and therefore cannot complete the follow up tasks.

I have the same issue. The copy/paste of the key has a strange behavior and when I decode it I don’t get the same key I created at the beginning (step 3)!

Hey there - I’ve just tested this lab and it seems to be working correctly. I would be sure that you’re copy/pasting the complete message body, with no additional characters or spaces, and entering all of the commands exactly as they appear in the lab guide (referencing screenshots where provided).

Screenshot of the final stretch of steps posted for reference.

base64 -d keyforjohn.base64 > keyfromcybrary.key
you put ‘base64 -d keyforjohn.base64 > keyfromcybrary.enc’ !!! why .enc !!!

I didn’t use the command “base64 -d keyforjohn.base64 > keyfromcybrary.enc”

Are you referring to base64 -d message.base64 > message.enc? This step decodes the encrypted message.

STUCK here !!! why thc cmd is wrong !!!

Here is my entire lab session:


The lab steps all work as written. I know that if you copy so much as one extra space, or leave out even one single character when echoing into the required files, it will cause the lab to fail.

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  1. What is the name of the OpenSSL utility used to encrypt and decrypt messages in this lab?

You should be able to answer this question by reading the lab instructions. It’s included in several of your screenshots.

Looks like you got it!!!

No ! can u help with that ! plz !

I go it finaly hhhh
Thanks by th way