Hi there.
We are experiencing an issue with the Threat Modeling lab on the last step and before the last task to be completed.
We are getting this error although we have tried the lab multiple times until this part.
Please assist
Thank you
Hi there.
We are experiencing an issue with the Threat Modeling lab on the last step and before the last task to be completed.
We are getting this error although we have tried the lab multiple times until this part.
Hey @IvoryLoon6039
Sorry about that - I published the wrong version after QA. This should be resolved now
Happy hacking!
We have a new error now and i have tried the diagram at least 6 more times
and this is the diagram
Can you confirm that you’ve saved your file?
Based on the feedback provided by the grader, compared against your threat model, it seems like the grader isn’t recognizing flows that are clearly present in the model - which in the past has pointed to the file not being saved.
I saved the file overwriting the previous one. I have followed the steps. Could you please check?
I just tested the lab and it worked fine. Could you please share a screenshot showing the “overwrite” confirmation.
I have the same problem
there are always 5 things not working as expected:
but if you see my project, as an example “the encapsulation of workshop api” I think it is correct:
what do you think about it?
I also think the same for data flows…
But I can’t get the flag.
Could you kindly help me please?
Hey there - it definitely looks correct to me, and you do seem to have saved it. I haven’t been able to reproduce any issues here myself, but I’m going to escalate to the instructor to see if he has any insights into what might be confusing the grader.
In the meantime, I’m going to send you the flag in a message.
I’m going to share a couple of things I learned about the grader and Threat Dragon.
Each object, the processes, data flows, actors, and storage squares, if you hover or grab one, you will see dashed square outline appear around the shape of the object. That dashed line is the actual size of the object according to the grader. So, be sure those dashed lines fit inside the boundary lines, then the grader will give you a pass.
The arrows of the data flows must in someway touch the objects. The best way to know if the data flow is attached to its object, move the object around the space, the arrow should remain attached and stretch with the movement.
I just finished the Security Engineer path and there were 3 or 4 Threat Dragon related activities. The above tips will save you many headaches.
thank you princess and calm
Hello Princess, I’m a little bit frustrated sorry to bother you
where do you think I’m wrong? The message of the flag doesn’t explain to much where to check…all the best
Ps: I followed your tip, arrows are strictly connected to processes, I have moved them and the arrows followed them.
all the best
Hey @Silvs ,
It looks like you’ve placed your threat in the wrong place. The hint indicates the data-in-transit is where the threat would be. Remember how we represent the movement (or flow) of data?
That said, I’ve made some changes to the grader to make it more robust, and some changes to the guide to clarify some crucial actions. Here are the highlights:
Finally, THANK YOU VERY MUCH to @PrincessOfTheHelpdesk for their assistance in identifying these issues. I am both very grateful for their effort here and very sorry it was required. Much love.
That’s all from me - happy hacking, all!
GOT IT, thank you <3
Thank you for your continued interest in Cybrary
I am having an issue getting the correct flag for the grading also, I’ve run the lab twice and the second time I used every troubleshooting method I could find in the forum. I’m wondering if the problem could be that I’m using a Chromebook?!? There have been several issues with things not appearing how and where they should but I’ve been able to work around them to complete all portions of the lab, functionally it appears to work the same as the version in the virtual lab…
Hey there - your browser shouldn’t have any bearing on the lab content. Could you post some screenshots of your threat model? As noted previously, I would double-check your connections between data flow entities.