Hello, I’m looking for some help on this challenge, I’ve been stuck for a while now. I can ping Browser-B: by IP and host name. I can ping Linux-B: by IP, but not by host name. I’m trying to figure out which area of the gns3 simulator I should be looking at. Is it a configuration issue on Linux A or B, or is the problem in the Psense firewall settings? Any guidance would be appreciated!
Still stuck on this if anybody has time and can check it out. I’m finished all of the other challenges but I can’t continue without this one. Thanks!
The grader wants to ping Linux-B and Browser-B by name. You need to add Linux-B and Browser-B to the DNS server (clab.local zone)
Thanks Joseph. Do I need to add an entry to /etc/hosts or is it done through pfsense? If you could point me in the right direction I’d appreciate it.
There is a DNS server in the network. You can access it via Browser-A. It’s all GUI driven so you don’t have to hand-edit zone file records. The reason I include this in the lab is because name resolution is a big deal and it’s often overlooked troubleshooting networks.
Thank you so much. I honestly didn’t open Browser-A because the challenge didn’t state there was an issue with it, but I do see the DNS site as a favorite!
i have the opposite, i can ping linux-b (after having added it to the dns) but i am unable to ping browser-b. browser-b was already in the dns clab.local zone. in network b i can ping from network a i can ping but not, so after updating the resolv.conf file with linux-b and browser-b and search clab.local i can ping linux-b from network a, but i cannot ping browser-b which is normal since i cannot ping
What do i miss ? i have started the vpn on firewall a, the dns service on firewall b, added the network a dns nameserver in resolv.conf
any feedback ?i am stuck and cannot move forward
you will need to access the terminal in browser-b and create a path for the firewall to be ping or to communicate
I just went through the lab to make sure everything is working. Here are my tips:
1.) Be sure the firewalls are up… you can open a console and wait for the menu screen.
2.) Linux-A needs to to have it’s IP fixed and it must include DNS configuration. The DNS server IP is is the right gateway. No need to second guess that.
3.) When looking at the configuration page in GNS3 for Linux-A and Linux B, be sure to remove comments ( # ) where needed and ADD comments when needed.
4.) Linux-B is using DHCP. You need to change that AND comment out DHCP. If you leave DHCP configured then the network on Linux-B will not come up. This burned me too.
5.) Linux-B’s IP is not in the DNS server. That is an issue.
6.) The firewall rules and VPN setup are all good. No tricks there. You just need to make sure the VPN tunnel is ESTABLISHED, and if not, well you need to start it.
7.) Fixes are needed on Linux-A, Linux-B, and you need to add a record to the DNS server. The DNS server is GUI driven and pretty easy to figure out.
8.) If you can ping “linux-b” (no quotes) from Linux-A you win. If you have any trouble getting the flag then show me a screen shot of Linux-A pinging “linux-b” by name and I will ensure you get the flag.
You are likely closer than you know. Work past the frustration and get the win!!