Tunneling and pivoting challenge


I was able to go almost to the end of the challenge.
i found the easy password of sam
i found the pid but i do not see how i am supposed to use it
is is also not clear what i should edit in the proxzchains4.conf, i do not see the relevance
I found the 3 servers and which port is open but i have no idea how i am supposed to get the flag.
when i type curl nothing happens also if i try curl http://

can someone help ?

If you know the IPs of the 3 servers, then you have leveraged the sam account correctly! If you can run Nmap on the servers found in the discovered network, then you have set up proxychains correctly.

The last step is finding the flags, and the hint says to use curl. So your curl syntax is wrong but you have guessed correctly what is missing. Also, just like the nmap command, you have to proxy(chains) the curl command. Remember you only have access via the challenge server, not directly.

You are almost there!!!