file that is
mentioned not available at my terminal. it shows that is file is not accessible.
how to complete my lab session?
file that is
Your screenshot matches the expected behavior after completing Step 3. Could you please clarify the issue? Are you unable to complete Step 4? If so, could you please post a screenshot of your attempt?
i solved, open the link on browser, add end of the url this
then save the page with plain text on same file path.
Confirmed the same - we’re looking into this.
Struggling with the same thing. Keeps showing that it’s not accessible no matter what I do.
Yeah, this is a weird one. This lab chugged along fine for 2 years, but now the S3 bucket cannot be reached from the lab environment. No obvious changes on our end that we can see at this time.
We’re probably going to take this opportunity to build a new lab for this lesson. In the meantime, the answer to the question is posted in the Lab Instructions.