I think the issue lies with the default gateway however, I have put the correct router address down. I’m not sure what the problem is. 9/10 points for flag.
The grader is looking for 10 “terms” in the configs of Linux-1, Router, and Linux-2. It prints every term it finds. If you show me the output of the flag I can look to see which term is missing.
I am having a similar problem. I have gotten 8 out of the 10 terms and can’t determine what I am missing.
Thanks for your help :)- Drew
Linux-2 needs a gateway, and Router needs a second IP address.
Hello, I am stuck on 9 points, I can not seem to get the router gateway to appear which is weird, it seems the opposite of what the post above gets.
Your gateway is the wrong IP. While a gateway can be any valid Ip address, they are typically the first or last IP in a given range.
I am not sure what happened. I saw 9 points, clicked on the continue button at the top of the page and got a certificate saying I passed network devices. I would like to go back over it though. I am not sure where I went wrong as when I looked at the firewall, somewhere it said it was .2 which I thought was odd.
Linux2 is missing a gateway
i spent a lot of time to figure ot the missing terms and it was a space next to address of the router and linux 2
Do you have a screen shot you can show me?
Im am sitting with the same issue but it shows 0 of 10 please help
DHCP set auto on Linux-1
Router configured
Linux-2 configured
Firewall configured