ip addressing basics unable to open projects it keeps saying unable to connect
I had this issue yesterday. If you have completed this lab could you give me a clue as to how the answers are supposed to be formatted? I am certain I have the correct answer but no matter if I try it with a space, with a ., after the ip address, it doesn’t seem to accept it.
Let me know which question(s) you are having an issue with. By way of example this question…
… wants X.X.X.X; X.X.X.X where X is a number.
My bad. I thought the semi colon was a full stop and a comma
hello Joseph,
I’m having some difficulties in the Challenges exercice.
Although I’ve used the command learnt in the previous lesson, I don’t see 2 different networks asked in the first question. I’m using rather ifconfig or ip a to display the different networks. Am I right?
you can use cat /etc/network/interfaces to figure out the network ip, if thats what you are asking here
I’m tryin to start the project but mine says ‘right side of assignment cannot be destructured’ how can I fix to start
This still appears to be an issue. In IP Addressing 1.2, there is a connection error after starting GNS3 and there are no projects in the Projects library tab.
Hey there - I just tested the lab, and it seems to load correctly. Could you please provide a screenshot of the error and confirm if you’re doing anything prior to running the gns3 & command?
The error indicates that GNS3 is already running. Did you open it twice?
Ah! interfaces that’s the word I couldn’t figure out. THX!