Hey everyone, hope your all enyoing cybrary as much as I am…
Was getting an error with greenbone when I was trying to run the scan as ‘Start Immediately’…
My work around was to Schedule it for the following day, and then Create it…
Once it was populated in the list of Scans ( same as where oopsec’s is at the bottom of the results )…
Then I had to ‘Edit the task’ ( by clicking the icon that looks like a ‘Note Pad and Pen’ )…
Look for where it says ‘Schedule’ ( looks like a sheet of paper with a star in the top right corner’ )…
Then you change that too ‘Now’…
Save it…
The Scan should now be Running…
If not then, Start it ( eyes back too the bottom of the Scans ( same as oopsec as before ) by clicking the lil Tringle as in, universal for ‘Press Play’… ) and wait for it to do it’s thing…
( Worse case you jump the gun and end up with Two Scans / Two Reports… )
All good in the hood,
Thanks again to all the Team who make Cybrary, You and the Platform are ALL sooo Awesome!!
Take care and nothing but the Best of Wishes.