I am trying to complete the Challenge Course and I am having trouble with the finding out which text file contains the word POPCORN, I am typing in
dir /s /b | findstr POPCORN | findstr .txt
but I am getting an error saying that
" dir : Cannot find path ‘C:\s’ because it does not exist"
??? what am i doing wrong
findstr /s /i popcorn *.txt
/s all folders and subfolders
/i search case sensitive
popcorn: name you’re searching for
*.txt: only search in .txt files
Hello i got the kix13of1.txt but its not accepting it pls what am i doing wrong i have input everyway possible small letter , cap letter , changing i to 1 and so on … but still not going through
[quote=“DrakoTech, post:4, topic:157263, full:true”]
@josephWhite please can you help out with this is this an error or am doing something wrong
“Hello i got the kix13of1.txt but its not accepting it pls what am i doing wrong i have input everyway possible small letter , cap letter , changing i to 1 and so on … but still not going through”
kix130fl (kix 130 eff ell) not kix13of1
thanks a lot @JosephWhite
ive never seen a lab crash so fast until i used this command. thank you
a can’t find the Flag !!!
POPCORN is not the right answer for me !!!
The “flag” is the name of the file that has the word POPCORN in it
you accidentally reveal the answer. hahaha