I’m doing the exercise 1.2 of Windows Event Logs, and I’m having trouble with the question 2: “According to the Event Viewer, what time was the new account created?”. I found the date inside the Security, but my answer still wrong… Could you help me, please?
Hi Analeite.
I have noticed same question says 12/04/2024 but in the event viewer it is actually 12/04/2023. Use that of 2023 to answer the question and make sure you specify if it’s AM or PM in your answer. This worked for me.
I am having trouble with the same issue and I tried everything and still not working
The dates provided by the exercise are not correct when you try Wazuh. But if you try different dates and search for “User Account enabled or created alert”, you end up finding the answer.
Do you read the start date of 12/01/2023 as twelve of january or 1st of December 2023 and the end as 12/05/2023 as twelve may or 5th December?
The dates provided are correct - we use US formatting conventions
1. What is the name of the new user account created on 12/4/2024?
I could not find the answer of this question please help me what is the answer??
Hi there - we cannot provide answers directly, but you should be able to find the answer to this question at Part 1, Step 5 or Part 2, 13.