Wireshark basic

You exported an HTTP object which turned out to be an image with some text. What are the last two words in this image (no spaces)? in wireshark basic

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did you find the solution of that question ?

I want help with this

I am having the same issue

Follow the lab instructions and you will find this image. Take the last two words and jam then together as one word.

For example peanut butter = peanutbutter

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the lab is not coming up.

I struggled with this too, that particular image didn’t show up unless I did something wrong.

The hint you just posted pulled me through though! @JosephWhite

the answer is
NxxxRExxxxxD (edited by admin)

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sir how ? is this answer for module 2 or module 3 … i also found image but that is for module 3 image i cant able to find the answer for module 2 … wht to do sir

sir how ? is this answer for module 2 or module 3 … i also found image but that is for module 3 image i cant able to find the answer for module 2 … wht to do sir

for 1.2 guided exercise question " You exported an HTTP object which turned out to be an image with some text. What are the last two words in this image" You can follow the instructions and finally in line number 43 in instruction you can see some files and a file named “download” from there save it and you can get an image with your answer which may be “NXXXREXXXXXD” or “IXXXXXXTRXXXXXXE” .

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yeah sir i got an image of IXXXXXXXXXXXXXXE but this is answer for the 1.3 question sir… For 1.2 where to find the image sir and also for that the hint 13 letters only allowed but IXXRXXE is cant applicable

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