Wireshark Basics 1.3

Hey, could somebody help me with this problem? Based on the ARP traffic, how many live hosts are on the network this was captured on? I came up with the answer 6 but thats not right.

Could you kindly share screenshot of what you see to say that the answer is 6?.

I got xxxxxx and xxxxxx (redacted by admin)

254 is not a host, it’s a gateway. .1 and .254 are typical IPs for a gateway. As this is not talked about in the Guided Exercises or Core Concepts, it’s a bit of a trick question.

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Thank you Joseph, i feel slow! :rofl: :joy: :man_facepalming:

You shouldn’t. I’m not sure this is the right place to distinguish “host” from “node” as those terms have very specific meanings.