Lab is not loading

The guided lab for asymmetric cryptography is not loading.
On the screen the message “Finishing building your lab environment…” is displayed.
Steps I took in Chrome:
-log out Cybrary
-clear cache and cookies
-open Cybrary lab in incognito mode
-refresh multiple times
I also tried using edge but the issues remains.

EDIT: I’m experiencing the same issue with Windows CLI basics Challenge Exercise.


Same here. Can’t get through to the lab and the flag question is a must to continue :frowning: .


I am having the same issue

Labs were having issues, but that should now be resolved. Please retry when convenient.

I am still having the same issue.

Lab still stuck at 100%…

Mine too lab is stucked on 100 finishing building page for over an hour

Same issue looks like cybrary is not taking care of it.

Mine is also not loading

Screen is stuck at Finishing up building your lab environment… message.

Which lab are you launching? It seems like we had some interruptions last night, but they should have subsided several hours ago.

it also happenned to me
hope it will be fixed soon…
i managed to figure out the answers but i’ll get back to it once it gets fixed.

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I checked the guided lab for asymmetric cryptography today (the lab I had problems with).
It is loading without issues.
Thankyou for support.


thank you for the fix Cybrary, its working now

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hello! Lab is not loading. Seems the problem was solved some days ago but it is happening to me again today

Lab is not working! Getting stuck at various points, never finishes loading…

same issue ! even tried with vpn. hopefully it will get resolved soon

been stuck since yesterday. i tried with surface laptop, HP laptop and macbook but non of it works.

Same issue here on Cybrary Orientation, virtual labs. I’ve tried incognito on both chrome and edge, cleared cache. Is this an issue their side ?

The lab is not working! It stops at 100% for a while and does not work.